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Cyclotron Engineering’s activities are undertaken with integrity, responsibility and respect for the environment and the community in which these activities take place. This entails conducting operations in an ethically and practically sound manner that minimizes risks and places high priority on the safety of those involved in Cyclotron Engineering’s oil and gas operations.


Cyclotron Engineering’s is committed to:

  • Comply with all applicable Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) laws, regulations and standards and to apply responsible standards where regulation is inadequate or does not exist.
  • A systematic framework of hazard identification and risk assessment through which safe operations can be managed.
  • Develop effective HSE management systems to identify and manage risks associated with its activities by focusing on risk avoidance and prevention.
  • Establish accountability and responsibility for HSE within organizational line management.
  • Provide trainings, equipment and facilities necessary to maintain a safe and healthy worksite.
  • Support environmental protection, practice pollution prevention, and seek viable ways to minimize the environmental impact of operations, reduce waste, conserve resources and respect biodiversity.
  • Protect and minimize any harm to the environment in our oil and gas activities, and continuously focus on improving our environmental procedures.
  • Monitor and review our HSE policies and procedures on a regular basis to ensure suitability and effectiveness.
  • Ensure that partner’s and contractors’ policies are compliant with our own standards, and recognize that all working on our behalf can impact our operation and reputation and that we all share a common responsibility for our safety.